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The Supreme Court on Monday struck down the Defense of Marriage Act, a landmark victory for gay rights. The 5-4 decision means that legally married same-sex couples are now entitled to the same federal benefits as heterosexual couples, including Social Security survivor benefits, health insurance coverage, and tax breaks.

The ruling is a major setback for social conservatives, who had argued that marriage should be defined as a union only between a man and a woman. But it is a major victory for gay rights advocates, who have been fighting for decades for the recognition of same-sex marriage.

In a statement, President Obama praised the ruling, saying that it "affirms the principle that all Americans deserve to be treated equally under the law." He added that the decision "brings us closer to achieving a truly equal America."

The decision is expected to have a significant impact on the lives of same-sex couples and their families. It will also likely lead to increased pressure on states that still ban same-sex marriage to reconsider their laws.

The ruling is a major victory for gay rights advocates, but it is also a reminder that the fight for equality is not over. There are still many states that ban same-sex marriage, and there is still a great deal of discrimination against LGBT people. But the Supreme Court's decision is a major step forward, and it gives hope to those who are fighting for a more just and equal world.
