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Julian Assange Granted Right to Appeal against US Extradition over Espionage Charges

Long-awaited Decision in High-Stakes Case

London - After years of legal wrangling, a UK court has granted WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange permission to appeal against his impending extradition to the United States on espionage charges. Assange, who has been detained in British custody for several years, has consistently denied the allegations against him and claimed that his extradition is politically motivated.

UK Court's Rationale

The court's decision to allow Assange's appeal stems from concerns raised about Assange's mental health and the potential for him to face inhumane treatment in the US prison system. The court cited evidence suggesting that Assange has a history of mental health issues and that extradition could exacerbate his condition. Additionally, the court expressed concern about the harsh conditions Assange might face in a US prison, including the possibility of being held in isolation.

Next Steps in the Case

The appeal process is expected to be lengthy and complex. Assange's legal team will now have the opportunity to present their arguments against extradition, while the US government will defend its position. The ultimate decision on whether to extradite Assange will rest with the UK Home Secretary, who will consider the court's findings and other relevant factors.

Global Implications

The Assange case has garnered international attention and raised questions about the limits of press freedom and the role of governments in protecting whistleblowers. Assange's supporters argue that his extradition would set a dangerous precedent and undermine the ability of journalists to expose wrongdoing. On the other hand, US authorities maintain that Assange's actions violated national security laws and that he should be held accountable for his alleged crimes.
